Welcome to our page! We're a couple living in Colorado, and our site showcases some of our hobbies and interests. Joel is into astronomy, photography, and library science; and Rebekah enjoys art, writing, and crafts. We hope you enjoy our site!

Joel & Rebekah      

Star Trails from the Paint Mines

Star trails from within the rock formations at the Paint Mines Open Space in Calhan, Colorado, a series of colorful rock formations located about 45 minutes east of Colorado Springs. 

This shot consists of one light-painted photo of the foreground to illuminate the rock formations and highlight their distinct colors, and more than 100 long exposure shots of the sky to produce the trailing effect of the stars. 

Saturn and Four of Its Moons

I took this photo of Saturn and four of its moons back in 2013, when I lived in Arkansas, on a night of incredible seeing. 

I captured this image by taking two exposures, one for the planet and a second for the moons, and then combining them into a single composite shot. I used a Celestron C6 SCT telescope on a CG-4 mount and an ASI120MC planetary/lunar imaging camera.

The Milky Way Rising Over a Tree

Rebekah and I took this photo in eastern Colorado, at the Karval Reservoir, located in the high plains about an hour and a half from Colorado Springs. 

This was our first time shooting in Karval, and we were impressed with how dark and desolate the area is. Other than a few cattle farms, it's surrounded by nothing but endless plains. We walked around the reservoir while we waited for the Milky Way to rise, and then began taking pics around midnight.

The Andromeda Galaxy (M31)

This is my best-ever photo of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and its two companion galaxies (M32 and M110), taken back in September 2014, from the Paint Mines Open Space in Calhan, Colorado. 

I took this photo with a TMB92L refractor telescope, a Hutech-modified Canon T3i DSLR camera, an Orion SSAG autoguider and 50mm guidescope, all riding on a Celestron AVX mount. I then stacked the resulting images with Deep Sky Stacker and processed the composite image with Photoshop.